What can homeopathy treat?
Since homeopathy treats the whole person rather than a specific illness there is nothing that cannot be treated. Homeopathic remedies work with the bodies natural,vital, energetic defense system stimulating it toward healing. The meaning of the word homeopathy is to work with rather than against the body. In homeopathic treatment we enter into relationship with our illness by listening to the language of the body expressed in symptoms and sensations. Any illness holds the potential to be cured when we seek to engage in healing with the bodies own natural defense system. In my practice I have worked with clients with a variety of illnesses including allergies, muscular skeletal pain, asthma, depression, anxiety, migraine headaches, menstrual/hormonal imbalance and cancer. I have also treated many of the more acute illnesses such as ear infections, coughs, stomach flu, broken bones, insect bites etc... Homeopathy offers much that can enhance our well-being. Homeopathy treats the person not the illness.

What can I expect from homeopathic treatment?

Homeopathy is not a quick fix medicine except in cases of basic acute illness like a child's ear ache. Homeopathic treatment is a process that takes time and also some effort at being attentive to oneself. Many people feel a noticeable shift soon after a remedy is taken that gives them a sense that they are healing. Each person is different and thus their process is unique. When a person experiences their own vital defense system begin to support healing (the only aim of homeopathic treatment) they do feel better even if the actual symptoms they came with are not yet relieved. After taking a homeopathic remedy it is very important to have at least two follow up visits with your homeopath.
Explain why is it important for me to come back for follow up visits?
It is very difficult for a homeopath to know how and if a remedy is supporting your healing if they do not see you for a follow up visit. Ideally in my practice I like to have e-mail or phone follow up in the first couple weeks after a new remedy and then a scheduled office visit 4-6 weeks later. Regular follow up visits are recommended for the first 6 months following a remedy. This helps to monitor the healing process in regard to the remedy and the possible need for repeated dosing. Follow up visits also offer a chance for reflection about ones process and a chance for the bodies need for attentive attunement and listening to be supported. One of the greatest gifts of my practice is the opportunity to witness and support healing.

Is homeopathy the same as herbal medicine?

Homeopathy is not the same as herbal medicine. Homeopathic remedies are made from all kingdoms of nature. This includes plants, minerals and animals. Herbal medicine relies on plant sources only and use the plant in its raw form as a tincture, tea or tablet. Homeopathic remedies are made from diluted substances that remove the physical properties and isolate their energetic qualities.

What is the difference between homeopathy and naturopathic medicine?

Homeopathic practitioners use only homeopathic remedies when treating a patient. A naturopathic doctor is trained in a variety of healing modalities which may include homeopathic remedies.  A naturopath is trained to prescribe nutritional supplements, herbs and remedies together. There aim is to offer natural forms of medicine. As a classically trained homeopath I am taught to prescribe a single remedy that matches the totality of symptoms and is given with minimal dosing so as to stimulate the bodies own defense mechanism for the purpose of healing.

How does the use of other medications affect homeopathic treatment?

Homeopathic treatment can work alongside the use of other medications. Some medications can make treatment more complicated and slower but many people  find deep and lasting improvement from homeopathy even when using other medications. The use of medications can change the process of treatment but is not an obstacle to the benefits of homeopathy. I have had success treating numerous clients who have come to me on a variety of medications.

Can you explain what is meant by an aggravation or healing crisis?

Are there particular things you  encourage that you feel supports someones healing process?

Homeopathic treatment involves looking at all aspects of life that potentially impact our health. This can include our living environment, job, relationships, diet and level of physical activity. Sometimes there is change needed in one or more of these areas. What I encourage is that a person be willing to look at their life with an openness to making changes that they discern will support their healing. On the most basic level I encourage bringing mindful attention to yourself and your life. I think life always gets more interesting and alive when we bring intention to being present in the moment... and when we tend to the voice of our soul which often speaks to us through the body.